Monday, October 21, 2013

Tournament game #2 Mudcats 7 - Bats 19 :-(

Bleacher Dad Dale has done a great break down of our final game !


Here is the final breakdown:

Tough, tough loss everyone. The Mudcats' season was ended with a Bats win 19-7. We were the home team this evening for the Fall tournament game in the one loss bracket.

The 1st inning end with us going down 1-2-3 and the Bats up 6-0. We gotta give it to the Bats - they were hitting well today.

The 2nd inning was punctuated by Fin's spectacular fly ball catch in left center and nice singles from Cameron, Will and Jackson but the Bats were hitting it where we weren't and took a 11-0 lead going in the 3rd.

Will and Jackson started off the 3rd inning defensively with 2 grounders they threw to Brayden for a quick 2 outs. The Bats hung around and scored 3 more runs before we could collect the final out with Cameron's throw to Channing at 2nd. After Moose's single, we made good contact in the bottom of the 3rd with Sam, Julio and Mason Jones but we couldn't get anyone home quite yet.

4th Inning ~ The Bats only scored one in the 4th and we managed to put 3 on the scoreboard to chip away at the Bats' 14-3 lead with some nice hitting. Alex hit a nice one and turned a sharply hit ball into a solid single. Jay and Brayden collected singles and then Channing BOMBED one to the outfield for a stand up double. Cameron then hit a screamer to the fence to help drive in our 3 runs.

In the top of the 5th the Bats' scored 5 more and the were up 19-3. Fin had a nice tag out at home plate with a smart heads up throw to home by Jackson to stop another run from getting home. We brought another one home as well with Jackson getting another great hit and Fin, Sam and Mason Jones getting some nice hustle singles  too! 19-4 Bats going in the final inning.

Our defense held strong in the top of the 6th with Jackson getting a ground ball and finished the out with a smooth throw to Brayden on 1st. Channing made a great play at second as he stabbed the ball as it was going by to get the force at 2nd almost doing a split to get a hard it ball up the middle! Nice Play! Channing then caught a pop up to get us up to bat for the last time this fall.

Jay and Brayden started us out in the bottom of the 6th with hard hit singles. Channing continued his hot streak by sending a screaming liner to center for a double but not before he launched one to Coach Jamie's shin leaving a huge bump on his shin as well. Cameron collected a single to drive in another run but the Mudcats simply ran out of innings to try to get back in this one. Bats won 19-7.

Thanks for a great Fall season everyone! Thanks to Jamie, Chris, Brett and Rob for their time coaching this Fall. I hope everyone has a nice Winter - see you in the Spring at tryouts!       Dale !

Tournament game #1 ~ Mudcat's3- Bulls 5

Tournament Game #1 highlights !

The baseball gods really did deliver perfect baseball weather and our Cats got some pre-game "Sport Clip" attention as each Mudcat got their very own red- design for their hair ~

1st inning ~~

From the first at bat ~ Jay- hawk hit a line drive right up the middle-- but the Bulls made their own web gem two glove play ! Off the pitchers glove right into the shortstops glove for our first hit and our first out ! Braden, Connor and Channing all got hits to move around the bases and bring in Braden for our first run ! 1-0
Mudcats held the Bulls scoreless with solid defense!

2nd & 3rd Inning ~~

Moose started off the 2nd inning with a great hit to shortstop and Julio started off the 3rd inning with an on base hit but the Bulls rock solid defense held our cats scoreless as they evened the score 1-1 !

4th Inning ~~

Braden started this inning off great with a hit and solid base running to 2nd.
Cameron crushed the ball to 1st base and drove in Braden and Connor!

Will, Jackson and Finn all had solid hits to get on base but our Mudcats retired this inning bases loaded ! 3-1

Bulls came out swinging and tied up the score 3-3

5th Inning ~~

Cats went down hard and quickly 1~2~3
Just one note-- MASON JONES IS F~A~S~T !!!

Great defense by our cats BUT one AWESOME Bull hit moved the  Bulls around to score 2 more runs ! 3-5

6th Inning ~~

Julio " Lil Papi gets on with some Mudcat magic !
HOORAY ~ JAY bombs one to left field
Braden gets on and Julio goes for it at home but gets out ! I must note that was exciting even if he got out ! Great hustle Julio !
 It was looking exciting but we just did not get that big hit to drive in another run! It's hard to accept a lose in the tournament, but it will just make a win that more exciting and appreciated !

                                                             Bulls win 3-5

                   If you can't accept losing ~ you just can't win !     Vince Lombardi


Mudcat Family ~~ I have enjoyed writing my play by play of the games ! I know I get wordy and silly but I truly love this Mudcat team and I know some will play on different teams next year but the boys will always have a connection as will each and every Mudcat family ! West Raleigh is a special place, The Mudcat team is a special team and our boy's are very very special players and now buddies !  
                                                      See you all in the spring ! Mudcat Mom #34

Monday, October 14, 2013

Game #12 Mudcats13 ~ Riverdogs 9 !

                              ~~~~~~~THREE WINS IN A ROW~~~~~~~
                                                 Way to play Mudcats!

Jaybird showed  up " RED"dy to play and fired up his Cats with one cool "JAYHAWK" ! Yes, I know it is a Mohawk but it just seems so much cooler to call his inspirational hair cut a "JAYHAWK" !

The infield looked "THICK" from all the rain , as the coached prepped the field ! Well, the infield looked thick AND the smell of the PDQ was thick in the stands! It seems that PDQ is addictive :-) I tried to wheel and deal a few chicken strips but was abruptly denied :-) LOL


1st inning !
These Riverdogs showed up with 9 players and I promise they looked like they drove themselves to the game ! They looked so focused and older ! I personally was very impressed with their batting and fielding all game for having only 9 players !

The Riverdogs came out hitting hard! The 2nd batter bombed one to center field and they quickly got on the board 0-1 ! This up to bat ended with the Riverdogs only getting run because Mason J made a great play in right field, Moose was solid in left field and the boys played solid defense as the River dogs pounded the ball !

TIME TO BAT 1stinning ~
~ Jay gets on -- excuse me, JAYHAWK gets on to lead off
~Braden drove one to center
~Connor moved the boys around
~Channing drove in two Cats 2-1 :-)
"THAT's THE WAY WE LIKE IT" came cheering from the Mudcat dugout ! YES~~ I like that song, and that is exactly the way we like it !!
~Cameron moved Channing to third and then our up to bat ended !

2nd inning ~
A few~~ strike that ~~ ALOT of great hitting ended he Riverdog appearance at the plate 2-6 ! I must admit, I thought this was going to get ugly for our Cats~ The Riverdogs just looked so solid at the plate ~~ Well, that's what I get for thinking ! I forget about the 5th & 6th inning magic that some how occurs for our Cats!

TIME TO BAT ~ 2nd inning
~ Finn Finn Finn with a base hit to2nd
~ Moose Moose Moose to 1st
~ Alex Alex Alex with an RBI  
We were back on the board !   ~~ 3-6~~

3rd Inning~

The Riverdogs continued to pound the ball ( remember I said I was worried earlier) and ended their plate appearance adding 3 more runs !

TIME TO BAT ~ 3rd inning
~Braden gets on
~Channing comes up BIG TIME bringing Braden in 4-9
~ Connor gets on base and moves the Cats around
~Cameron adds an RBI 5-9
~Will tally's up another RBI 6-9
~Jackson gets on but Cameron takes a tag to the head as he hustles to 3rd ! He was out and it was noted, " It never hurts as bad when you are safe"
~Finn gets a hit and with a  little Mudcat luck and hustle gets on and Will comes in ! 7-9
~~~~~ WAY TO DIG DEEP MUDCATS !!! ~~~~

4th inning~
Mudcats and Riverdogs held tough, fought hard and the score remained the same ! So, this Mudcat Mom was starting to remember what sometimes happens in the 5th and 6th !
 The CARDIAC CATS show up !!

5th inning ~

Solid defense kept the Riverdogs at bay ! we held the 7-9 !

~ Jayhawk gets on with hustle!
~Brayden works some Mudcat magic and gets on!
~Connor brings in Jayhawk 8-9
~ Channing gets on 1st
~Cameron drives in Connor 9-9
~ Will brings in Channing AND Cameron 11-9
~Finn continues to hit great and brings in Will AND ACTION :-) 13-9
*****WHAT A RALLY *****
Coach Jaime called up Coach Chris to pitch and he took third! The combo of the boys hitting and hustle with Coach Chris pitching in the sweet spot and Coach Jaime sending the boys aggressively home , made this inning AWESOME !!

6th inning ~

WEB GEM of a catch from Channing ~ 2nd out from Action  the 3rd as Will seals the deal !!!
 1-2-3 Their OUT !
~~~****~~*~*~*~*~* MUDCATS WIN MUDCATS WIN MUDCATS WIN~*~*~*~****~~~

                  Now, That's the way we like it !

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Game #11 Mudcats 4 ~ Bats 3 :-) NICE WIN CATS !!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME :-) This Mudcat Mom must have missed an AWESOME GAME !!!

Tough night to work, but my Mudcat Husband kept me updated  by texting me the play by play of the game from the boys !

Bleacher Dad Dale and  the crew gave me an awesome breakdown of this Mudcat WIN !
I talked to Action Jackson about 9pm and all he said was, " Mommy, we played great and I got robbed TWO times " ! I knew a Mudcat Coach must have handled his two out's well for his self esteem :-)

Here's the breakdown: Mudcat Bleacher Dad Dale ~ you are Awesome !

Here's the breakdown:
Practice makes Perfect! Great Defense Mudcats!  A nice 4-3 win against the first place Bats as everyone played great and came together to clamp down on the Bats' offense.

I think we all saw a glimpse of the future everyone. It seemed we were watching our boys play as young men with poise and determination. Our wonderful coaching staff needs to take some credit for this win as fundamentals taught in practice was the difference in this one. A muddy, wet field had the ball skipping around in the outfield and staying low in the infield all game long from the week long drizzly rain and overcast skies.

Did anyone see the swamp at 3rd base?

The top of the first everyone was ready to play. Will and Channing caught pop ups and Cameron had a nice play then throw for a force out at 2nd. No balls hit to the outfield....yet. On offense, Connor came up with 2 outs and destroyed the ball sending it rocketing to short; #88 held his ground but the ball was too fast and he couldn't make a play and injured his forearm trying to stop it as well. Coach Jamie heard the "smack" of the ball hitting his arm and was the first one on the scene to insure he was OK. After a few minutes of recovery #88 stayed in the game. The Mudcats then scored 2 runs with the 2 out rally As Channing got a single next. Cameron came up, waited for the perfect pitch - then proceeded to BOMB one to left center to drive in Connor and Channing. 2-0 Mudcats after the first.

The Mudcat defense was stifling again as the Bats could only muster a couple of singles in the top of the 2nd. The defensive highlight was an impressive call "3-3-3-3" by Cameron as Jackson fielded a ball cool as a cucumber and then made it look easy spinning and throwing to Cameron for the 2nd out. Channing closed the inning looking like Pedroia (although I bet Channing is taller) fielding and throwing to Will at 2nd; smooth as silk. 

2nd - 3rd:
Blink and you missed the bottom of the 2nd and top of the third as both teams went 1-2-3. Still 2-0 Mudcats going into the bottom of the 3rd. Alex had a great hit to start out the bottom of the 3rd. We loved it as he smiled and high fived coach Rob when Alex got to first. Sam blazed to first to beat out an infield grounder for a single - man is he fast. Mason Jones then drove one over 2nd base for a solid hit with a sweet swing (thanks for the pointers during batting practice Dad!!!). Julio had some nice swings but was unlucky at the plate in the 3rd. We were held scoreless going into the top of the 4th but the hits translated to confidence in the field.

Will caught a pop up to start the top of the 4th. After the Bats got a single, #53 laced one to right center all the way to the fence to drive in the first Bats run. Channing made a tough grounder look easy at 2nd and made a good throw to Brayden for out #2. The Bats scored another one and we went to the bottom of the 4th 2-2. We came up to bat looking loose and ready to hit in the bottom of the 4th. Brayden had a nice hustle single to start us out. Channing kept the momentum going with a screaming liner to center for a double driving in Lefty who scored with smart base running watching where the ball was being thrown and racing to home before time was called. Cameron then drove in Channing with a clutch hit that proved to the be the game winning run. Will then collected a nice hit as we left the 4th up 4-2.

Jackson made it look easy during the top of the 5th as he smoothly collected 2 grounders and threw perfectly to Brayden for a quick 2 outs. Practice makes perfect coaches! Then the Moose show happened! The Bats drove one to left...Moose immediately charged; glove up ready to go with the rest of left field ready to back him up. Mason N. looked confident and no one else challenged him for the ball (again - practice makes perfect). He ran up to the ball to his right at a tough angle and snagged it out the air on the run!! Coach Chris jumped up and high fived him. Moose was lucky to make it back the dugout as his teammates congratulated him the whole way back with proud Papa watching. The families in the stands felt proud as well as it is obvious all the Mudcats are "our" kids as we cheered his spectacular catch to end the inning 1-2-3. Still 4-2 Mudcats.

The bottom of the 5th started with Sean Patrick's slicing single and Moose still beaming from the awesome catch smacking a single as well. Although no runs were scored the solid hitting carried the momentum and confidence to the field to close the game.

The first place Bats would not go down easy. They confidently collected single after single and scored another run. The Mudcats had had enough as Brayden put his glove on the ground to collect a grounder and calmly stepped on first - 2 outs. With runners at 1st and 2nd, 2 outs the Bats looked confident as the top of the line up came up to bat. Another tough grounder, this time heading for Will. He cooly collects it and tosses it to Cameron for out number 3.

Wait - we don't get to bat again?!? Mudcats WIN 4-3. The Bats emotion over flowed as some carried tears to the shake hands line and we saw great sportsmanship from parents and kids alike as the Mudcat family congratulated the Bats for playing with heart and not giving up. Coach Jamie then handed out web gem stickers and clutch hitting stickers as the coaches were held almost speechless with a common theme for the post game gathering being great fundamental defensive and poise under pressure to win the game against a tough team.

A side note of sportsmanship by Connor after the game by checking in on #88. Here's how it the dramatic scene played out: Connor walked up to him and said seriously "You alright? Sorry about that." #88 held tough and said "that's OK" and the combatants turned and walked away from each other respectfully to battle another day.

DALE ~Thank you for the breakdown and helping all of us who were not there know what happened !
I am so proud of all our Mudcats !!
WOOHOO~Practice has made for "progress"! PROGRESS before PERFECTION !!!
Connor, AKA Smiley AKA CRUSH ! Thanks for the sportsmanship :-)
So sorry I missed the game, but so glad for the play by play breakdown :-)
See you all Saturday afternoon !!!
GO MUDCATS :-) Amanda


Friday, October 11, 2013

Game # 10 Mudcats 6- Bulls 4 !!

What difference a week makes at West Raleigh !  I usually start off with , It was a hot sunny day on Nowell Field ! NOT this baseball day ! Chilly~ windy~ and Burrrr ! The Hot chocolate was made and all our Mudcats were warming up for a VICTORY !

It sure was fun to see the boys having some spirit pre-game ! They looked like they were having fun and isn't  that what it is all about ? ( and a solid win helps )

1st inning~ 
Jay lead off the Cats ( The Mudcat Coaches shook up the line up some) and got on base. Connor stepped up with a , " to hot to handle" line drive to the outfield to move Jay around. We would end this up to bat scoreless.

On defense Sam had a great throw from left to 2nd~ they did not make the out BUT the throw was solid and the Cats were playing solid defense! Moose had some solid throws from the outfield as well to keep the Bulls 0-1 !

2nd Inning ~
Will started us off with several foul hits to right field then bombed a great hit to center field ! Action moved Will to 3rd ! The Cats were looking real good at the plate. Moose was up and Coach Jaime yelled, " SWING ALL THE WAY THROUGH" Moose !  A~N~D Moose delivered bringing Will home for our 1st run !  Let me just end this inning by saying ~~ DON'T LEAD OFF ON 2nd BASE !! If you were there you know exactly what I mean ~~ and that was that for our up to bat. Again~~ the Mudcats don't really need 3 out's every time they Bat to get it done ! We play better under pressure :-)

On defense ~~ OUT CAME the umbrellas, drizzling rain made for some messy chilly baseball however 1~2~3 OUTS and we were back to the plate !!

3rd Inning ~
Coach Jaime was on fire at  the plate ~ he was throwing some heat as out Cats struck out a few times ( Just teasing with you Coach Jaime)! I think our Cats just were ready to be hitters and the chilly rain and wind was a curve ball for players and pitchers :-)  Up came our Lil' Papi with a great hit ! I love it when he gets a hit~ that smile is priceless !

As I re-read my defense notes for this inning, there are a few rain droplets, runny ink so if my memory serves me correctly~ we had some throwing errors and sealed the inning 1-3 ! Time to make up some runs.

4th Inning ~ 
A solid hit by Braden and some Mudcat luck & he is on 1st !
Connor "Crush-Smiley" brought Braden to 3rd~
Channing had a pop-up BUT also an RBI bringing in our 2nd run~~
Cameron moved Connor to 3rd~
Will stepped up ( let it be noted-- no sleeves~ no batting gloves but ) TOUGH HOT hit to move in 2 Mucdats ! 4-3 ! No GLOVES~ NO SLEEVES~ " NO PROBLEM" :-)


Defense for this inning was solid ! Pop fly caught from Jackson and a double play by Braden and Channing !! WOO HOO CATS !

5th Inning ~
Moose with a leadoff hit and speed getting on 1st~ Alex with a hit moving Moose to 2nd~ Great hitting Cats~ those Bulls played some tough defense this inning and kept us scoreless!

Defense~ A "COOL" snowcone catch by Braden at2nd started off an exciting defensive inning for our Cats. We had a few errors throwing that  scored a run for the Bulls and tied up this ball game ! The Cats truly hunkered down and seemed to be determined to end this inning and finish off this game with a win.

6th Inning ~ A Mudcat yelled from the dug-out, " You gotta hit it Braden"- after a record amount of foul hits-and he surely did !
Connor and Channing had solid hits to move the Cats around and score one more run for The Cats 5-4 !
Will delivered with a RBI bringing in Connor and we ended our up to bat 6-4
*** If you remember this inning, again you win some calls and loose some calls** Mudcats are tough with the Umpire selection of outs and safe calls !

RAIN*wind* RAIN *wind* RAIN** just made our Mudcat defense tougher ! Cameron took care of the 1st out ~~ WILL with a AWESOME clutch catch for the 2nd out &  Action getting the 3rd out and we put this one in the BOOKS-- !!

Burrrrrrrrrrr ~~ this one was cold but our Mudcats were H~O~T :-)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Game #9 Mudcats 8- Scrappers 6 !

                                            What an A~W~E~S~O~M~E game !

I appreciate our Bleacher Dad reporter , DALE ~AKA~ Connor " Smiley :-) " Allen's Dad, helping out with the bleacher report today !   If I may, I'm going to re-write that last sentence :-)!

I appreciate our Bleacher Dad reporter, Dale~ AKA~ Connor " CRUSH" Allen's Dad, helping out with the bleacher report today! YES ~ he is "Smiley" but tonight he CRUSHED that ball !

I am so proud of all" 13" of our Mudcats . They play their hearts out ! We proved we don't need 3 out's to dig deep ! LOL ~ With Jay birds hustle, humor &enthusiasm, Actions determination, Lefty's clutch plays on 1st and solid hitting, Big Red stepping up with solid performance all around, The "Thrill" remaining calm and delivering exactly what is needed from him at the plate and on the field, The 'Hammer" always hanging tough at 2nd and being a leader on the field and in the dug-out,  Lil Papi getting a hit and giving smile just at  the perfect time, Jack Rabbit, Moose, Finn & Crazy Legs hit's & hustle, Crash & Crush coming up big with hits that move all our Cats around the bases !

The fact that WE ALL know exactly who each Mudcat is in that paragraph, without really  using their names, makes this team so special !

Bleacher Dad Dale's re-cap ! It's great :-)

                              Gametime! Gametime! Gametime! GO MUDCATS! 

Great win for our Mudcats tonight 8-6 over the Scrappers who lived up to their name and fought hard to come back but our defense closed the game out. Our last game against the Scrappers we had to come back to win as well (09-11-13) but this game seemed even more exciting! The 6th inning proved to be the Action Jackson and Lefty web gem show!!

We were up first to start the game. The parents noted the line up change when Connor came up third after a couple of unlucky outs and then smashed it to center field for a double. Ok, Ok, nice job coaches for shaking it up a bit. However, lady luck turned her head away again as we didn't score any runs. On defense Action Jackson had a fly out and stopped a hard grounder for the final put out at first to end the inning but the Scrappers were up 2-0 going into the 2nd. Jackson was just getting his glove warmed up.

The second inning saw more line up changes with Fin, Hammer, The Thrill, Jay Bird and Moose up to bat. We had 3 good singles and a couple of pop flys but no runs scored. On defense Will and Jackson started the inning with nice throws to Brayden but the Scrappers hustle beat out the throws to 1st. The Thrill then tossed one to Channing for the first out and caught a pop up for out #2. Lefty closed the inning with a grounder and calmly stepped on the bag. 2-0 Scrappers going into the "2 out" 3rd.

The 3rd inspired the bench and stands as Jack Rabbit was blur on the base path and scored our first run. Moose drilled the ball to left center to bring in Sam. Then Alex got a single and Lil Papi drove in Crazy Legs to tie it up 2-2. All of a sudden we were on defense..........It seemed to most we only had 2 outs and the Scrapper head coach met with Coach Jamie and the umps but we took the field anyway as both teams showed great sportsmanship and played on! Defensively in the 3rd Jay took a bat to glove/helmet early and then promptly took a step back to finish up the inning at catcher. Coach Jamie asked how he was and he shook it off but thank goodness for all that catcher gear no matter what a pain it is to put on every inning! Cameron had a couple of nice throws to Channing at 2nd to close out the inning but the Scrappers put another run on the board to take the lead again 3-2.

We tied it up in the 4th with Connor scoring after an absolutely crushing triple to the fence past 3rd with Big Red's clutch hit then driving him home. Fin had another single with great hustle to 1st base! 3-3 as the Mudcats took the field! The Mudcat defense then clamped down on the Scrappers with a 1-2-3 inning. 

The 5th started with more great base running hustle with Jay and Moose flying to first to get important singles to start us out strong! Mason Jones eyed our runners on 1st and 2nd, looked at coach Chris with determination and then smacked a single to collect 2 RBIs and then Crash cracked another nice single as we took the lead 5-3. After we took the field in the bottom of the 5th Channing caught all three outs at 2nd with throws from Jackson, Cameron and Will but the Scrappers put another one on the board to close the gap 5-4 going into the exciting 6th inning!

Great hitting for the Mudcats starting out the top of the 6th. Action Jackson hit it hard to the outfield for a single and then Lefty collected a single as well. Connor crushed another one to the outfield sending Jackson home. Then Cameron's and Hammer's clutch singles helped score 2 more runs as we took the lead 8-4 going into the bottom of the 6th. 

The bottom of the 6th was insane! The Scrappers got 2 quick singles and we all held our breath as they bombed a triple to score 2 runs. Brayden then caught a incredible fly out to stop the momentum. The Scrappers then came up to bat with one of their good hitters. The runner on 3rd poised to run home at the slightest contact with 2 outs. BOOM! A screaming liner headed to center field, the runner on third took off racing to home...WAIT A MINUTE...Jackson snatched it out of the air like a cat!!!!!!! He moved so fast he could have caught a fly trying to get by him!! Action Jackson was then mobbed at the mound by his teammates to end the game! Goodness what an ending. 

After we all started breathing again we gathered behind the dugout for stickers and the coaches' breakdown of the game. Coach Jamie told us he told Connor to hit it for Grandpa at the top of the 4th; why didn't I think of that? Our veteran infield came up big tonight and the younger players proved to be speed demons on the base path. Everyone showed up with frazzled parents and coaches rushing to get there by 4:30p but the team pulled it together and gutted out a great victory.

By the way - I think we can all agree coach Brett's lucky jeans and white dress shirt was the good luck charm for the night! No more uniform for you coach to keep the streak alive! I'll pitch in some more slush fund money to keep that shirt pressed! Haha.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Game #8 Mudcats 5- Lookouts 8

Our Cardiac Cats had their eye black on and ready for some Monday night Mudcat madness !

As we  Pledged Allegiance to the Flag, we faced right into the sun that beamed down on the Mudcat bleachers ! It sure seemed like it was going to be a hot one ! It was time to toss the ball caps in the air and get down to the business of baseball.

1st inning ~ The Lookouts came out hitting hard. Connor started us off with a great catch in center field. Not too much damage was done as we took to the plate 0-1 !

The sun finally went behind the trees :-) Jay cheered, " hit it to outer space Channing!"  Channing delivered and started up off by getting on base.  Cameron stepped up with a blast to right field that brought in our first Mudcat run !  Connor had a great line drive to left field but we ended the inning 1-1.

2nd inning ~ The Lookouts got " 6"  runs on us quickly . They were working our outfield out pretty good !  Braden scored a web-gem with an awesome catch on 1st base .

The Lookouts got our Cats out 1-2-3 . We had some good solid hitting but the Lookouts stayed solid on defense.

3rd inning ~ Channing had a great web- gem play to keep the Lookouts scoreless.

The Mudcats settled down some, made some solid hits and inched closer to bring the score 4-6.

4th inning ~  Our MUDCAT defense really stepped up this inning taking care of the outs 1-2-3 in a row !

Connor started us off with a solid hit, Finn moved him around ! " WE NEED A HIT MOOSE" and the Moose delivered bringing in Connor ending the inning 5-6 !

5th inning ~ Gezzzz-- these Lookouts are some great hitters ! Bad throws and maybe we should have " eaten" the ball some added runs to the Lookouts lead.
This inning ended 5-8

6th inning ~ WE JUST NEED 3 outs and 4 runs ! Not too much to ask of our Cardiac Cats right ??

The bleachers were ready for a comeback! " Stay tough Mudcat's" ~~ " Let's play ball guys" `` " Give a team effort Cats" !! All the encouragement helped out Cats to again, a 1-2-3 out series !

JUST 4 runs and we can go home winners Mudcats ! ONCE again, we had two outs and the Cats started coming alive! Cameron stepped to the plate and drove Connor to 3rd ! We were all at the edge of our seats but a pop-up and some bad Mudcat luck ended our Monday night Mudcat madness :-)

Mudcats 5- Lookouts 8
It was asked of the Cats to dig deep ~ play hard and come to the next game ready to play for the team and not give up ! Learn something Mudcats~

Win or lose, it is just so special to be in a great environment, surrounded by an AWESOME MUDCAT family ! See you all Thursday !

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Game 7 ~ Mudcats 11 - Bee's 12

What a beautiful day for baseball !

Coach Jaime asked The Cats to , " GIVE ME 6 GOOD INNINGS~ EVERYBODY FOCUS"!

Coach Jaime and the whole Mudcat family got 6 innings of focus and 1 extra inning !

Baseball is a great teacher. It teaches us all when things get hard, we need to work harder ! That is exactly what our Mudcats did today on the field !

Our actions as a Mudcat family , players, coaches, parents, grandparents, friends and family are determined on how we react to the game and ultimately will prove to be how  we remember the game. Our Mudcat family is so supportive of each other, the coaches and their Mudcats !   ~~  I will remember this game for a long time !

This is how this Mudcat bleacher Mom remembers this awesome game !

It is Mudcat pre~game warm up time and all the Mudcat fans are finding there perfect game time spot ! It's a good thing West Raleigh has Wi-Fi as all the football faithful, UNC~ ECU~ NC State ~ Notre Dame & UGA are trying to make sure they are prepared for sports updates and scores ! By the time the Pledge of Allegiance was said, no matter what game you may have wanted to follow~~ be it ACC or SEC it was Mudcat baseball that would prove to be extremely exciting !

Let me just say, I wrote this once already and LOST each and every inning breakdown- ! I clicked the X on accident and POOF the write up disappeared ! BUT I can tell you this- THOSE BEES can hit and I will sum it all up again!

We put a few runs on the board early but the Bees just were hitting hard ! One bleacher Mom put it best when she said the second inning was , " crushing one" !

Coach Jaime kept the Cats believing and told them straight up, " we gotta field it before we throw it" ! We actually started doing this ! Keeping the ball in front, making smart throws and staying C~A~L~M !

We were hitting, Jackson getting on, Channing moving him in to score, Finn  put us up with an RBI and Jay getting on put us all tied up in the 2nd inning 4-4 !

Well some little base hits and some BIG base clearing hits put the Bees up 4-8 to begin the 3rd inning !

Let it be known, Gramma Gigi made the bench call to the Cats to , " STOP THAT TRAIN" !

I knew exactly what train she was referring to and it was the hitting train from the  Bees !

I am unsure how irritating the bleacher coaching is, but we all just asked for outs and to keep the baseball in the infield ! Our Cats battled back after some tough innings and held the Bees 6-11 to end the 5th inning !

" TOGETHER our Cat's are strong, they seemed committed & determined to play tough and not be rattled" !

6th inning ~ BREAK OUT THE ASPRIN AGAIN !! Anyone a medic in our Mudcat family ~ LOL !
Braden started it all off getting a hit ~
Channing delivered a solid hit ~
Connor's line drive brought in a Mudcat run ~ Will, Finn and Moose all delivered at the plate to bring our cats with-in 1 run !
2 out's and Mudcats are down 10-11 ~ "Jay bird", Hale put a hit into play and HELLO TIE BALL GAME and the Mudcat family GOT CRAZY ! :-) Jay's hit brought in a Mudcat run and  the Cardiac Cats tied it all  up!  MUDCATS 11 BEES 11 !

Yes ~ that's 22runs in 6 innings of West Raleigh Baseball !

CARDIAC CATS took us to 7 innings of exciting baseball but the Bee's bats brought in one more game ending run !

Mudcats battled, web gems were given out to Finn for 2 RBI's, Jackson, Channing and Will for solid defense and Jay for the game clutch tie RBI !

We come from all over the Triangle!  We drive in to West Raleigh from home and work from Wake, Durham and Johnston County ! Our Mudcats are all different shapes, sizes and ages ! Some Mudcats are seasoned and some rookies. But together they all came together in an exciting, well played MUDCAT "TEAM" effort !

Did we win ~ YES !!!! Well, "No", we did not win the game~ but we won the fight !
They just never gave up :-)  Our Cat's played tough, strong and their actions shined on the field!
That free drink at the concession stand and a hot dog smoothed it all over by the time stickers were awarded :-)

See you all Monday ! Time to awaken the MUDCAT NATION again and the best part is, we get at least 6 more fun innings of baseball together !

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Game 6 ~ Mudcats 8 Riverdog's 8 ! TIE !

Looks like this Mudcat Mom missed a HECK of a game !
THANK YOU DALE for the game notes ! Here it goes ~~ and PS ~~ Channing, I'm only glad I did not have to see the hit to the noggin' rest up buddy ! You too Erin LOL !
May I also say, JULIO ~ I hear you had a great night !! Way to go to our rookie Mudcats !
You guy's are playing AWESOME :-)

Here you go for Game 6:

"WHEW - NO one left with energy after this 7 inning dog fight with the Riverdogs. Everyone left everything they had on the field - even the coaches were tired! Some younger siblings were even caught watching this exciting game as we went into extra innings although Jake (Connor's younger brother) would never really admit it.

Channing was injured in the forehead early in the game with a ball thrown to him in the 3rd and Connor filled in as best he could for our top notch 2nd baseman. The Hammer gutted it out and came back after some TLC from mom in the dugout to play the 5th and 7th inning. Thanks Mom!!

The outfield was solid the whole game getting the ball back to the infield fast with Crash Nowak, Julio, Jaybird, Fin, Sam, Moose, Connor and Crazy Legs Jones.

Early in game, Sam threw a laser to Cameron from left field with the Riverdogs hustling to third - the call was close as the umps split - one saying safe and one saying out - but final ruling was safe.

Finally, Cameron displayed his all star status with excellent, heads-up base running to score an important late run and closed the game with the final 2 outs.

The game momentum went back and forth inning by inning:

The first was another hot start for the Mudcats. Jackson, Brayden and Connor had solid hits with Channing and Cameron also collecting hits and Will slicing it by the SS to drive a run. Fin drove in a run with Will The Big Thrill hustling home before the final out.
Bottom of the 1st we learned this was going to a game to remember. The Riverdogs scored twice with all our outs coming from solid middle infield play. 

Although the Mudcats didn't score in the 2nd we held the Riverdogs to a 1-2-3 inning.

The 3rd started strong as Julio "Lil' Papi" smacked a solid hit! We scored 4 runs after we collected a few more hits by Action Jackson, Big Red and Smiley. Big Thrill collected 2 more RBI's with another solid hit.

The 3rd defensively was remembered with Channing's injury and Connor moving to 2nd. Fin looked confident going to center field and was ready to make a play. Connor collected an out at 2nd with a good throw from Will and Cameron closed the inning with an incredible web gem - snatching a laser line drive shot out of the air just above his head. It was 7-5 Mudcats after the 3rd.

The 4th and 5th were defensive innings with both teams holding the opposing offenses in check with the scoring slowing down to 7-6 Mudcats after the 5th. Channing came back for the 5th and Will had a diving backhand "Derek Jeter" type of stop at short and made a smart baseball decision by holding it to stop the runners from advancing.

The Mudcats scored their final run in the top of the 6th. As the Mudcats took the field for the bottom of the 6th the lights came on for us to enjoy some night baseball for the first time. We tried valiantly to defend the 8-6 lead with Connor having a close play at 2nd after a good throw from the outfield but the tag was a split second too late. The Riverdogs played tough and tied it up 8-8. 

The Umps smiled to each other and decided to play one more to see if we could break the tie.

Jay got a hit in the top of the 7th and Sam shook off a hand injury at his at bat but the Mudcats were unlucky and no runs were scored.

Channing was back again in the bottom of the 7th and the Mudcats shutdown the Riverdogs 1-2-3 to end the game 8-8.

We are all proud of you Mudcats! Great game!

(I tried - thanks for the opportunity to help out Amanda - Dale) THANK YOU VERY MUCH DALE :-)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Game # 5 Mudcats 16 - BULLS 5 !

P~R~A~C~T~I~C~E makes P~E~R~F~E~C~T !
Our Cats came through tonight!
BUT it did NOT start on the field !
I thought we were the only family rushing to get homework done, food in the belly and a game uniform on the body ! I thought we were the only family rushing to get the water bottle filled up and the Mudcat bracelet on and the game face on ! I thought I was the only Mom struggling to get the grey pants clean, the socks ready and the belt just right ! UNTIL we all arrived at the same time with the same silly " are we really here" face :-) All in a moment everyone arrived, scrambled to our HOME seat and a deep sigh of relief set in ! WE MADE IT :-)

NOW ~ The sun was shining very bright on the "HOME" team bleachers and the question was ~Did our Mudcats arrive too ! ? ! Uniforms cleaned, bellies full ( of various things) bats, gloves and game faces on " COMPLETE WITH EYE BLACK " !! THANK YOU COACH JAIME !!  Way way cool :-) Time to play some baseball !

1st inning  ~ It was so great to hear the Cats infield yelling, " play is on first ~ get down~ no hits no outs" ! Then a BOMB of a hit put runners on and the Bulls put 2 runs in the books !
Our Mudcat leadoff hitter , " Action" Jackson delivered with a great hit to get on base ! Cameron stepped up and drove in Braden for out 1st Mudcat run.  Mudcats 1- Bulls 2

2nd inning ~A relaxing breeze came about the field as the sun finally set and the Mudcat bleacher fans could put their sunglasses on top their heads ! The Bulls were killing it ! They were working the bat and bases hard  BUT The Cats held them to just 4 runs !

I believe ALEX came ALIVE in the dugout as he lead the Cats in enthusiasm and excitement to cheer them on to a great batting inning ! Our Jay"bird" hit Will the "Thrill" in to bring our score 2-4 !

3rd inning~ Let it be noted, "SAM" was very excited to share his love for the eye black !!! He said it was " TOUGH"! Great recovery for our defensive Mudcats and Braden with a solid hit put Jackson on 3rd base! Channing with a solid hit brought #34 in and our Cats to 3-5 !

4th Inning ~The Cats kept inching closer one out and one run at a time ! They held tough on defense and delivered ! I think I saw a " Jaybird " under that catcher equipment and he was AWESOME !
 1~2~3 SOLID defense put us up to bat !
Smiley bombed a hit to start us off :-)
Finn hit Smiley in 4-5
Mason N. hit to rt field put runners on 1st& 2nd
Jay hit Finn in to tie the game up 5-5
Sam hit the Cats around to lock& load the bases !
Mason J put the Moose on the loose and The Cats 6-5
Alex hit Jay AND Sam in 8-5 ( a few Bull errors helped our locked and loaded lead) !

5 th Inning ~ I think it might have gotten , " chilly"  not just for the fans but for the Bulls !
Gezzzz the Cats really kept the ball in front of them, made smart plays, throws and moves !
The Cats kept the Bulls to ZERO runs and stepped up to bat !

BRADEN bombed a hit into the outfield and home came Jackson 9-5
CHANNING drove in Braden 10-5
CAMERON banged in Channing 11-5
Connor moved the Cats around
WILL drove in Cameron 12-5
FINN with a great hit brought in Connor 13-5
Jay "bird" came up clutch with a hit to center field and brought in Will 14-5
SAM advanced runners and MASON J brought in Finn & Sam 16-5
The 10 run rule was put in force and the inning was over !

6th inning !CATS WIN~~SOLID DEFENSE ~~ STEADY PLAY ~~we put runs on the board, outs in the books and ended this game with out ASPRIN  :-) LOL :-)

It was a two sticker, heads up base running , locked and loaded kinda night !
Sleep tight Mudcats !
 Get your homework done and get ready to rock and roll Thursday night !

Your BLEACHER crew is very very proud of you !

Monday, September 16, 2013

Game #4 : Mudcats 15 - Bats 17

" PILE OF RUNS" ! That is exactly what Coach Jamie directed The Cats to do ~ AND ~ that is exactly what the Cats delivered the 1st inning of this emotional baseball game ! Every single Mudcat got to the plate and after going all the way through the line up , the Umpire called the plate appearance for The Cats because the runs were piled up to 10 ! The Bats stepped up to hit ready to pile the runs on as well ! This inning ended with the Cats looking great but the Bats inched closer to our lead leaving the end of the inning 10-3.

The 2nd inning left the Cats scoreless and the Bats took advantage of some Mudcat errors and brought their runs even closer to 10-7 ! It must be noted, this bleacher Mom was proud of Cameron giving a "glove pat on the head" to a Bat player on 3rd base as he came around from a bomb of a hit !

Lets just call the 3rd inning, " LOCKED and LOADED" ! Let me explain~
Bases loaded, Sam came to the plate and hit Finn in 11-7.
Bases loaded, Mason came to the plate and hit Moose in 12-7.
Bases loaded, Alex came to the plate and hit Jay & Sam in 14-7 !
This should have proved to be a great relief for a cushion of a lead for The Cats !

Solid defense only allowed 1 run to be scored by The Bats leaving this inning in the books 14-8.

4th inning was not a hitting opportunity for our Cats but proved to be the PDQ chicken break all the bleacher Mom's and family ! The smell of the chicken, fries and apple slices proved to be distracting as not too many web- gems were captured this inning. The Bats did inch closer to our lead 14-9.

The Moose was on the loose to start off the 5th inning ! Moose started us off with excitement that The Cats really needed.  This inning proved to be costly for The Cats as many errors, overthrown balls and mental mistakes took a toll on our "cushiony" lead!  15- 17 YES THATS A "17" :-(

Mudcats now DOWN "2" runs just meant every Mudcat fan needed to once again bring a bottle of aspirin just in case of a baseball induced heart attack ! Goodness these Cats are not called the "Cardiac Cats" for nothing ! The Cats did come alive and battled but The Bats held tough and kept the score at 15-17 !

Tough tough loss. Hitting was AWESOME but you can't hit until you make a play and get the outs needed to win! Our crazy throws & mental errors and too many "EAT-IT" moments, resulted in a few good innings at the plate for The Bats that were hard to overcome !

We love our Cat's and look forward to building on this experience !

Just an after thought ~ BUT~ if you want to "PUMP" up your Mudcat~~ take a look at The Slideshow from the last season ! It always gives me chills and may be just what the seasoned Cats need to remember the outcome when you work hard and an inspiration for our new Cats !!!
" Light 'Um Up Cats" !!! ~~ just click on play :-)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Game 3: Mudcats 10, Scrappers 9

This bleacher mom thinks the starting game temp was HOT but the electricity at the end of the game was even HOTTER!  There is absolutely no doubt that the Mudcats were hotter than hot in the 6th inning!

1st inning- I think it's fair to say that the top of the inning should be re-named the Conner "Smiley" show!!  Conner started the Cats defense off with a great catch for their 1st out!  The 2nd out came from a quick thinking play by Conner as he forced out the lead runner at 2nd base.  And in keeping with them theme... the final out was an awesome pop fly catch in center field by, you guessed it, CONNER!

Time for the Mudcats to bat!  The Scrappers were tough on defense as well!  From the dugout came the cheer "two out rally!"  Channing had a great hit to get on and Cameron put a big BLAST to center field.  With some confusion in base running the inning ended 0-0!

2nd inning- The Scrappers had hot bats this inning.  Thankfully Cameron made a great play from 3rd to stop the hot hitting Scrappers!
Up to bat came Conner with a great hit to put him on 2nd base.  Will had a solid hit but I think it was the Mudcat bleacher crowd that "willed" him safely to 1st base.  Finn got a hit to bring Conner in for the first Mudcat run of the game.

3rd inning- Jackson started off the inning with good pop fly catch at pitcher, and "Moose" stepped up to make some good stops.  The start of the 3rd inning looked promising until the Scrappers hit a BOMB to right field and made the score 5-1.   On the very next play, they launched another bomb to left field that increased the Scrappers lead 7-1.  Jackson fielded a little dish to 1st and ended their hitting rally!
Now it was time to bat!  Sam stepped up with a solid hit getting on base.  Conner, Mason and Alex all came through and moved Sam in to score the Cats 2nd run!

4th inning- The Mudcats made great defensive plays to keep the hard hitting Scrappers scoreless.  We then turned around with some lightning hot bats.  Jackson, Brayden and Channing all had solid hits to get on base.  Cameron delivered an RBI to bring in Jackson.  Conner stepped to the plate and had a big, big hit with bases loaded to bring in Brayden.  Then Will stepped up with a hit and one more Mudcat RBI bringing in Channing.  At the end of the inning the Mudcats rally brought the Cats within two.

5th inning-  The Mudcats took the filed prepared to stay solid on defense.  Jackson had a catch to get the 1st out.  Moose let the Bleacher mom crew know he was "HUNGRY!"  A snack was quickly delivered and the sun finally went down behind the trees.  Will and Channing added two great defensive plays to keep the Scrappers scoreless.

Mason "Moose" started the Cats off with a base hit followed by another base hit from Jay.  Having Mudcats on 1st and 2nd, Mason Jones stepped to the plate!  The dug-out was cheering "Bang, bang, choo choo train, come on Mason hit that thang!"  #20 delivered with a hit to bring in another run and pull the Mudcats within 1.

6th inning- The sun was now down but this inning was H-O-T!  The Scrappers came out hitting hard.  Jackson and Mason had a fist bump moment together when they worked to get the Cats first out.  Will and Channing teamed up for the second out and Brayden snagged a pop fly to end the Scrappers time at bat, but not before they add two runs to their lead, bringing the tally to 9-7.

Watch out world here we come, the Mudcats are #1!  Going into the bottom half of the final frame, the boys were as fired up in the dugout as they Mudcats have ever been!  Jackson lead off with a solid hit combined with a Scrapper error to put him on 1st base.  Brayden put a bomb to center field and brought Jackson home.  Channing  had a great hit combined with a Scrapper error that allowed him to advance.  At that point, a Mudcat mom was heard saying, "I didn't think I would be a screamer!" but we were all so excited!  Cameron stepped up and, WooHoo, tied up the game 9-9!  It was now "THRILL" time!  Will placed a huge hit to right field that brought in the winning Mudcat run!  Final score Mudcats -10, Scrappers-9.

Post game words of wisdom: "Listen guys, we win together and we lose together!"  "400 Mudcat stickers were purchased and hopefully they will all be gone by the end of this season."  "Something exciting happened when we were down 2-7 and we just dug down deep and never gave up!"

Monday, September 9, 2013

Game 2: Lookouts 12, Mudcats 2

Out of desperation, we have formed this BLEACHER MOM report because we love our Mudcat blog. We want to share all the things that happen before, during and right after the game that make the baseball experience special for all of us.

For this particular game, the pre-game words of wisdom were priceless!  Ok boys, get your “butt- down, be baseball ready, don’t forget to do the crab and be the thrill! Coach Jamie then came over to get the crowd pumped up and began to cheer "GAME TIME GAME TIME GAME TIME” 
To start the game, the Mudcats were baseball ready, had some good hits by Jackson, Brayden, and Cameron, but the Lookouts were making some great outs that left Brayden stranded on second.  Quickly the Lookouts scored from a great hit to center field.
The 2nd inning was not very kind to the Mud Cats! Keeping the details of this inning brief--- it ended with the Lookouts scoring 7 runs during a 2 out rally where the ball just wouldn't bounce our way.
Then to start off the 4th inning, the boys heads lifted and there seemed to be some hope.  Alex had a great hit to start the inning off. The top of the lineup got several base hits that got in Alex for our first Mudcat run. But once again, the Lookouts played some great defense and held the mighty cats to just one run.
The 5th inning started great with Conner, Will and Finn all getting solid hits to score the 2nd Mudcat run of the game, but a couple of great defensive plays later (including a textbook double play), we were headed out to the field again to try to make one last defensive stop against the hard hitting Lookouts.  In the end though, the Lookouts were too much to handle as their final time at the plate extended their lead further.

I believe it was the parents that called TIME in the 5th in an attempt to play from the bleachers or will the boys to win.  Despite that extra effort from outside the lines, the game ended before the bottom half of the 6th inning with a final score of 12-2.  It was a really hard loss, especially coming off of the dramatic come from behind win a few days earlier, but the boys showed that they not only win as a team, but lose as a team... and that the best way to forget a loss is to win the next one!

Game notes: the bleacher Mom’s did spot Chris Nabors drinking from a pink Hello Kitty thermos! That moment helped add a little humor to the game's ending score!

Words of Wisdom: from Coach Jamie, “Play for the Mud Cat beside you”!

Game 1: Mudcats 10, Bees 9

What a week for the Mudcat Nation!  Quickly each parent and baseball player learned that we are all connected and "bleed red & black!"  Having a young team, maybe some assumed we would struggle our first game.  The warm up was shaky with players running in late, some struggling with pre-game nerves, others having trouble getting their uniforms situated and everyone trying to figure out what to do in general.  On the opposite end of the field, the Bees seemed cool, calm and least that was the BLEACHER MOM observation.

Little did we know we were about to witness a great night of baseball!

The Mudcats got on base one little hit at a time as did the Bees.  We got outs here and there and witnessed some incredible base running speed.

But despite our determination, the 6th inning looked dire with the Bees-9 runs and the Mudcats-7.  However, the Mudcats had a few tricks up their sleeve.  We quickly posted one run to leave runners on 2nd and 3rd-then hung in there with two outs, had a great hit combined with an error by the Bees and scored both runners to win the game!  In the end the Mudcats had fewer errors, one more hit and one more run for the win.  The excitement from all Mudcat parents, grandparents, siblings and fans was palpable.  Final score: Mudcats-10, Bess-9.  What a great start to another season of Mudcat baseball!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Thank You!

It's only been a couple of days and I am missing the MudCats already! With two days to think about this season and the untimely ending, to which I was not expecting to happen when it did, I have had chance to think about many things. Most I will save for our end of season party, but a few things I wanted to tell you all.

First, I would like to thank all of you for your support for the MudCats this season. We had the best cheering section in the league. Thank you for being there for the boys. I hope you all had as much fun as the boys and coaches did.

I would also like to agree with Brett's statement that there are some talented Tarheels around us. Thank you so very much to Erin for all the wonderful pictures and videos taken throughout this season. Erin, your work adds so much to this experience for all of us. My kids would be asking from the time we got home from games, "do you think the pictures and blog are up yet". To which I would have to say, "no, I think Ms. Erin is still trying to corral "The Hammer" in from wall ball at WR". Win or lose, we all would be checking on the hour to see if those fabulous pictures from the previous game had been posted. You did a fantastic job Erin. Thank you for the hours you spent taking and editing those pictures. We all appreciate you and your talent.

To the coaches, I meant to thank you guys after the game and express my gratitude for all of your work with these wonderful guys this season. I know they appreciate it, maybe not as much now as they will when they are older and have had many coaches after us. They will appreciate what great coaches you were and great men you are. There are not many out there as good as you guys. You each have a wonderful way of working with and teaching these boys. You guys were the best staff in the league. I wish we had three more years together down there on the ML field. I hope you had as much fun as I did.Thank you Matt, Jamie and Adam. Thanks to Rob and Brett for their help on the field during practices as well. You guys were a big help!

Speaking of Adam, as usual he fails to give himself any credit. His last blog left out any mention of himself as part of the team "graduating" to the next level. I got to know Adam 3 springs ago as Asher and Gavin joined the MudCats together with Brenner. As you all know he is a tremendous writer with a great wit and humor and a terrific knowledge of the game. What most of you don't know is all of the other things he does to make the team tick. He provides an amazing update for me from each game, complete with stats on each player, both hitting and fielding down to the numerous positions each player played complete with chances, put outs, assists, etc. He charted where each player's hits went in the field. Prior to each game he would go through the opponents line up and give me a spray chart of where each player hit the ball in each at bat in our previous game against them. He keeps the "straightest" score book in all of West Raleigh the land (learned the strike through from Adam)! He actually coached 3rd and first this year while keeping the score book at the same time. Between games he had to listen to me go over each player on what they were doing well and what they needed to work on, what we should cover in practices, and the list goes on and on. I didn't imagine 3 years ago that I would become so dependent on someone other than my wife, Liz. She calls Adam my "baseball wife".  My daughter Regan calls him her "favorite coach of all time". That one hurt a little :-) I call him a good friend and a great asset to the MudCats. Thank you Adam for all you've done for me and the MudCats over the past 3 seasons.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Liz. She puts up with me and my incessant baseball discussions.  Between Mudcat games and practice and hitting instruction she doesn't see much of me during the season. I appreciate the sacrifices she makes that allows me to do what I love Thank you Liz! And thank you to the other coaches wives as well for allowing your men to be out there with me and the boys!

Thanks again to you all! It was my pleasure to coach your sons and to get to know each of your families. You are a great group and I will miss you as we move "up the hill". Once a MudCat, always a Mudcat!

Many thanks!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

We will miss you Mudcat blog...

Being a die hard NC State fan, it is often difficult for me to swallow my pride and admit that there are some really talented Tar Heels around me.  Before we joined West Raleigh Baseball and the Mudcats last summer, I knew at least of one of them very well (since we had been married for ten years at that point)... but Erin's love of photography was only just beginning to take shape at that point and I really could not have imagined how far her skills would develop in just two short years. 

At the same time I was getting to know Erin the photographer, I was introduced to a coach named Adam.  He was a friendly guy full of baseball knowledge and with a son who could be the poster child for poise, effort, character and determination.  As the season got underway and all of the players and parents got to know one another, we completed a few practices and were getting ready for our first game.  As an aside... It was quickly becoming apparent to Erin and I that Channing was very fortunate to have been drafted by the Mudcats.  With an all star roster of coaches, lead by the Godfather of (and most well respected head coach at) West Raleigh Baseball, I told Erin that Channing was getting more baseball and leadership instruction in his first practice as a Mudcat than I had in over 12 years of playing organized baseball.  It was also at this point that we first read one of the Mudcat blog posts.  I can remember clearly thinking that this was no ordinary parent, no HR Director turned kids baseball critic, but we still did not know what we had.

Fast forward a couple of games into last season when I passed along a link from our blog to my die hard Tar Heels fan/brother-in-law Zach.  Within about 15 minutes of sending the link I got a call back from him... asking me if that was "The" Adam Lucas?  After a short tutorial and some internet research on Tar Heels athletics and sports writing, I began to understand exactly how lucky we were.  Adam is one of the most well known and respected sports writers covering UNC.  He has been trusted by players and coaches in Chapel Hill since the days of Ty Cobb, ok...maybe not that long (oh that was embarrassing... thanks for calling me out Jay).  He publishes one of the most read online sports publications and has authored numerous books on his beloved Tar Heels.  At the same time, he somehow makes the time to scribe thorough, thoughtful, fun and entertaining blog posts after each and every Mudcats game. His posts have been forwarded to grandparents and relatives all over the country and have been read and re-read by Mudcats players time and time again.  And though I know it is probably killing Adam to receive praise for what he thinks is a minor contribution (I am guessing that he could write about twenty pages in the time is has taken me to write these three paragraphs), it is the least that this Wolfpack loving father could do.  Thank you for sharing your gift for writing with our Mudcat family and for giving your time on and off the diamond so willingly.  We will miss our web gems and game highlights sorely and know that unless we draft the son of someone like Rick Reilly, we won't soon replace your blog posts. 

... that is... unless you have any interest in getting some really nice photos of Asher in action next season... perhaps we could convince you to make a couple of guest writing appearances on the Mudcat blog next season... once a Mudcat, always a Mudcat!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Game 16: Scrappers 8, Mudcats 2

The 2013 season came to an untimely end on Nowell Field, as the Scrappers pulled off an 8-2 victory over the Mudcats to eliminate the 'Cats from the postseason.

The tone was set early, as the Scrappers put three quick runs on the board in the top of the first. That was a lead they never relinquished, as the All Black offense just never kicked into gear--continuing a trend that began in the final game of the regular season.

The 'Cats finished the year with 12 scoreless innings in the final three games (all losses). Compare that to the six-game winning streak just before that, when the Mudcats totaled just 10 scoreless innings in those half-dozen games. The two runs in Saturday's loss were a season low, as were the seven hits. It was the third straight game that the 'Cats were held to single-digit hits--the only three games all season that they didn't notch at least ten.

It doesn't seem possible, but the defeat ends the Minor League season for the Mudcats, even though it seems like it just started a couple days ago. When Asher started playing West Raleigh baseball way back in the fall of 2010, Andrew and Jenn DiMeo--who were essentially the Godfathers of our Minor League experience--told us that the three years on Nowell Field were by far the best baseball-playing years we would get to watch. On the Rookie League field, it starts to feel more like "real" baseball, but in the Minor League you can still spot a dad tying his son's shoe, and they're still kids.

That was probably the best piece of advice we received (even better than, "Always vote for black pants for the team uniform because they are much easier to keep clean"). But there are a few other things I think I'd want to know if I was the parent of a West Raleigh six-year-old:

1. These are the best years of your kid's baseball-playing life. Go to practice. Go to games. Let your kid hang around and play wall ball if he wants.
2. No one ever wins the raffle.
3. No matter how good you think your six-year-old is, he could have the absolute perfect at-bat, do everything completely perfectly, have a textbook swing...and still hit a routine grounder to the second baseman. This is not because you are a bad parent or have given him bad instruction. This is because he is six years old.
4. The chemistry of the team and how much fun they have in the dugout is largely dependent on the attitude of the eight-year-olds on the team.
5. I don't care what anyone says, I think blue shorts look just fine with black-and-red jerseys. Now decide if you think it's a good idea to take fashion advice from some guy who writes a blog.
6. Your team's best draft pick will unquestionably be the kid whose mom takes great pictures.
7. At some point in your son's baseball career, it will be better to be the home team. But at this age, it's better to be the visiting team, put runs on the board early, and let momentum carry you the rest of the way.
8. There will be innings and games and days when you think your kid is not very good. Keep in mind that you are comparing him to the very best 6-8 year-old baseball players in this area and maybe in this state. If you put your kid on the field in any other league, you would instantly see how good he is and have a renewed appreciation for the level of play in West Raleigh.
9. No matter how much you think you are going to make it through the last postgame speech of your kid's Minor League career, the head coach is almost certain to say or do something that turns you into mush.
10. That moment when you are hugging your son in the parking lot after his last game in the Minor League is going to be here way faster than you think, and it'll hurt when it gets here.

The game ended the career for a handful of Mudcat players and coaches. They are as follows:

Coach Matt: A two-year All Black coach who was indispensable this year in the first-base coaching box and in the outfield defensively. Also the unquestioned Czar of the Soft Toss.
Coach Sean: At our first team meeting last year, we were interrupted by someone--I have no idea who he was--who had apparently been coached by Coach Sean in a previous year and happened to be passing by the concession stand, where we were meeting. I don't remember the exact connection, but I do remember that before he walked away, he turned to the team and said, "You are lucky to have this guy as your coach." He was right. Every player on the Mudcats over the last two years improved over the course of the season. You're not supposed to get this kind of coaching--or this type of commitment and time devoted to the team--in 6-8 year-old baseball.
Luke: In his first year as a Mudcat, Luke was always positive and was extremely flexible defensively, playing a variety of positions. His bat was a big part of the 'Cat offense that was so potent throughout most of the season.
Hayden: Also a one-year Mudcat, Hayden became a valuable defensive cog behind the plate and caught fire offensively in the second half of the season.
Quenten: Burst onto the scene in his first season in West Raleigh. Quenten became one of the Mudcats' most consistent outfielders, where you could count on him for at least one web gem per game in center field.
Colin: Played two years as a Mudcat, spending significant time both at third base and in the outfield. A dangerous hitter who sprayed line drives all over the field. In two years, I don't think I ever heard Colin say anything negative about anybody.
Brenner: One of the three three-year Mudcats. After the draft in 2011, I remember Coach Andrew telling me, "I think I picked your shortstop (Gavin), second baseman (Brenner) and first baseman (Asher) for 2013." That's exactly how it worked out. Brenner was a fixture at the top of the order this year and keyed several big innings with his line drive stroke. A great teammate who you knew was always on your side.
Gavin: I have watched Gavin play a lot of baseball games over the past three years. In some ways, I think I take him for granted. Just know that an eight-year-old is not supposed to do what he does on the baseball field. I pretty much expected him to have the kind of offensive and defensive season that he had this year--which was, of course, phenomenal. But I wasn't sure if he could play that way without becoming too impressed with himself, because sometimes that happens. For Gavin, it never did. He was a great influence in the dugout and a solid leader on the field.
Asher: Probably the shortest first baseman in baseball history. Maybe also the toughest. And cutest. And best...oh, sorry, looks like Stephanie grabbed control of the keyboard for just a second. I don't know why Asher has such a great attitude and plays so hard in every second of every game. I just know that he didn't get it from his jerk dad. But I do know that I've had so much fun watching him play these last three years, I miss it already, and I think I'm going to wear my Mudcats shirt tomorrow.

Saturday's Mudcat scoring plays
First inning
Gavin hit a solo homer to center.
Score after one inning: Scrappers 3, Mudcats 1

Second inning
Quenten tagged a homer to center leading off the inning.
Score after two innings: Scrappers 3, Mudcats 2

Saturday's Web Gems
  • In the first inning, Asher made a somersaulting catch of a pop foul behind first in shallow right.
  • Brayden ended the first by snagging a hard-hit fly ball to right-center. 
  • Colin stabbed a hard line drive to third, then snapped a throw to Brenner at second to double off the runner. 
  • Jackson made a pair of nice back-to-back plays at pitcher, knocking down two consecutive ground balls--the first ending the fourth and the second leading the fifth--and then keeping his head, gathering the ball and firing to first to record the pair of outs.
  • Cameron had to go back to the fence to retrieve a leadoff hit in the first, and when the runner got too aggressive, threw a strike to Gavin covering second, who made the catch and applied the tag to get the out.
  • Will made a terrific catch on a ball that was crushed to left in the sixth. 

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Game 15: Bats 5, Mudcats 3

The hitting woes from Saturday carried over to Tuesday, and the Bats played stellar defense while taking advantage of a handful of Mudcat miscues, propelling the Bats to a 5-3 win in the first game of the Minor League tournament.

The Bats jumped on the scoreboard early with a pair of quick runs, and seemed to ride that momentum throughout the rest of the game. Their defense--which finished second in the league to the Mudcats in fewest number of runs allowed--changed several innings, including quality plays in the third, fourth and fifth that limited the All Blacks to just three runs over that stretch despite a handful of hard-hit balls.

Offensively, the 'Cats were only marginally able to improve on Saturday's eight-hit performance, as they mustered nine against the Bats. The 17 hits over the last two games are fewer than the Mudcats had in five individual games this season. And while the late-game defense was stellar, there were too many errors in the early going, as the 'Cats committed six errors in the first four innings alone, leading directly to four of the five Bats runs.

The loss puts the Mudcats in the losers' bracket, and means the schedule going forward gets a little complicated. The next game will be Saturday at 1 p.m. against the loser of tomorrow night's Scrappers-Lookouts tilt. A win in that game would make it a two-game weekend, because the 'Cats would turn around and play Sunday at 3 p.m. The full tournament bracket can be found online here.

Tuesday's Mudcat scoring plays
Third inning
Channing swatted a perfectly placed triple with one-out in the third, then scored on Hayden's RBI single.
Score after three innings: Bats 3, Mudcats 1

Fourth inning
The Mudcats picked up a couple of two-out runs, as Asher reached on a grounder to the left side, and then Gavin lifted a home run to right field.
Score after four innings: Bats 5, Mudcats 3

Tuesday's Web Gems
  • With a runner in scoring position and two outs in the first, Brenner stopped a hard shot to second and threw to first for the out.
  • With a runner on first in the third, Jay cut off a ball deep in the left field corner and did an excellent job of holding the runner to just two bases and preventing a run from scoring. That turned out to be a run-saving play...
  • ...Because on the next hitter, with two runners in scoring position and two down, Quenten stabbed a line drive in center to hold the Bats scoreless in the third.
  • With a runner on second and one out in the sixth, Asher made a diving catch of a pop fly hit over his head at first base.

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Game 14: Bees 11, Mudcats 3

The Bees gave the Mudcats a taste of their own medicine on Saturday evening, playing airtight defense and cruising to an 11-3 win. The victory gave the Bees the top seed in the postseason tournament, which begins Monday, and sent the Mudcats to the second seed. The All Blacks will open tournament play on Tuesday night at 5:30 p.m. against the Bats.

The tone for a defensive battle was set early, as the Mudcats 1, 2 and 3 hitters were retired in order for the first time this season. The 'Cats also went scoreless in three straight innings for the first time this season, a streak that eventually stretched to four straight innings (the first four of the game) before the All Blacks broke through in the fifth with a pair of runs. By then, though, the hard-hitting Bees had already built a six-run lead, and the Mudcats--who mustered a season-low eight hits--could never get any closer.

Stay tuned for more information on tournament week practices. The next game will be Tuesday at 5:30 against the Bats, with pregame at 4:30. For the purposes of your Minor League tournament bracket projections, the final seedings are as follows:

1 Bees
2 Mudcats
3 Lookouts
4 Thunder
5 Bulls
6 Scrappers
7 Bats
8 Riverdogs

The full tournament bracket can be found online here.

Saturday's Mudcat scoring plays
Fifth inning
Gavin led off with a single, moved to second on Quenten's single, and scored on Colin's RBI single. Cameron drove in Quenten with a hard shot to third.
Score after four and a half innings: Bees 6, Mudcats 2

Sixth inning
Will led off with a double, and Hayden came through with an opposite-field RBI single.
Score after five and a half innings: Bees 11, Mudcats 2

Saturday's Web Gems
  • Channing made a nice play in right-center in the first inning, running under a deep fly ball to make the catch.
  • On the first batter of the second, Quenten glided to a hard liner and snagged it on the fly in center.
  • Gavin made what was probably the defensive play of the year in the third, throwing his body completely horizontal to the ground to spear a sinking liner a breath before it hit the ground, then hopping up and firing to first to double off the runner. Thanks to Nacole, we even have video of this play, which was taken--as you will soon see--in the middle of a rainstorm:

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